Sunday, May 11, 2014

Foreign Policy (1865-1919)

Compare and contrast the foreign policies of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.
Throughout the course of the United States there has been an ample amount of interaction with foreign nations but it all started in 1898 when they started. Between 1901 and 1920 the US increasingly intervened in the affairs of other nations which were the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Both had the desire to move the United States forward into the mainstream of world power by getting involved in foreign affairs; however, they had different means to accomplish their goals. Roosevelt believed in imperialism and Wilson wanted to spread peace among the nations.
Theodore Roosevelt utilized tactics that were a bit drastic for helping the American nation progress for the reason that he wanted to empower the nation. Roosevelt wanted to aid other nations but his real intentions was to gain something for America. For instance, he helped the Panama citizens in their revolution but then he created the Panama Canal so that America could obtain a better way in transporting goods. Also Roosevelt created the Big Stick Policy which was to use military force against any nation that would get out of line which was a bit brutal. Roosevelt also was devious when he was in the Great White Fleet(1907) which was a group of 16 gleaming white ships on a cruise around the world to display the nation's naval power.Roosevelt also engendered the Roosevelt Corollary which was an addition to the Monroe Doctrine which was asserting that the United States might intervene in the affairs of an American republic threatened with seizure or intervention by a European country.

Woodrow Wilson believed in utilizing the American power to spread peace among the needed nations. He did not want to dominate a nation or use them such as Roosevelt he wanted to genuinely assist others in their time of need. Wilson wanted to join all the nations together in order to obtain peace and so that there is not another war. He created the fourteen points for this reason which were basically was that the United States needed to be obtain peace negotiations after World War I. Out of the Fourteen Points came the League of Nation or the League to Enforce Peace which was to unite all of the nations. Wilson felt strongly about the League of Nations he died for the cause, he hoped that it would pass congress yet it never did. Wilson also wanted to avert war of all coast which was when he had engendered the “peace without victory” which was a moving address that correctly declared only a "peace without victory" beating Germany without embarrassing them would be lasting.

However, both presidents Roosevelt and Wilson felt strongly about the progressive state of America. They wanted the nation to grow as a country due to the fact that they felt that America was brawny and should help the nations that could not fend for themselves. Both presidents developed United States power to free the people of other nations from what they saw as despotism and enslavement. They were involved in saving other nations like Panama or Cuba, they just wanted to make a significant change. The intention of Roosevelt might not have been for the good of the foreign nation but Americans benefit but he still helped the nation in need. Wilson did anything in his power to unite the nations as one so that there could not be any war among the world. Both men were just trying to progress America in the best way they considered to be the best.

Roosevelt and Wilson both felt that they needed to help other nations for the reason that they were so powerful. However, both men had different ways in accomplishing this objective. Roosevelt wanted to conquer while Wilson wanted to obtain peace.
Key Terms
  • Fourteen Point

    • No More secret treaties. 
    • A League of Nations, an international organization that would keep the peace and settle world disputes.
    • "Self-determination," or independence for oppressed minority groups who'd choose their government
    • Adjustment of colonial claims in the interests of natives and colonizers.
    • Reduction of armament burdens.
    • A removal of economic barriers among nations.
    • Freedom of the seas was to be maintained.
  • Great White Fleet(1907)
    • A group of 16 gleaming white ships on a cruise around the world to display the nation's naval power.
  • Roosevelt Corollary
    •  Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force
  • Big Stick Policy
    • Roosevelt's philosophy - In international affairs, ask first but bring along a big army to help convince them. Threaten to use force, act as international policemen
  • League of Nation 
    • an international organization that would keep the peace and settle world disputes
  • “peace without victory”
    • part of Woodrow Wilson's final attempt to avert war, a moving address that correctly declared only a "peace without victory" (beating Germany without embarrassing them) would be lasting

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Eve of Revolution (1754-1775)

The French and Indian War (1754-1763) altered the relationship between Britain and its North American colonies. Assess this change with regard to Two of the following in the period between 1763-1775.
-Land acquisitions
The French and Indian War (1754-1763), a war that would soon after change the course of Great Britain and their colonies. The French had withdrew from the North American continent which meant that Great Britain and Spain acquired large amounts of land. British and colonies were ruled with a light had because of this. They did not have heavy taxes yet that would all change in response to politics and economics after the war which would result in breaking the relationship between the motherland and colonies.
After the end of the French revolution there was a great crisis that was left on Great Britain's shoulders yet the Americans believed that the golden age was upon them, they were horribly wrong. The war did bring new land; however, the war also brought distress to the motherland of Great Britain. The the Grenville Programs was engendered to settle problems in North America including the Proclamation of 1763 and all of the new Tax Acts. The Proclamation act was to stop all kind of colonial expansion to try to conserve the resources. The program was like a tax for defense, it would help Great Britain in their time of need. The war left the nation and also the colonies in need for money because of the war. Once the colonies were taxed heave due to the devastation of the war they were not fond of this new strict rule. They felt the need to not pay attention to it until they had to cough up the money once the soldiers started to be satiated at the colonies in 1770 to collect the money for Great Britain.
The economic situation was in no terms acceptable to Great Britain and they needed to find a quick easy solution. The colonies were already on the mercantilism system which was that the colonies made all the money for the motherland in this case it was Great Britain; thus, any profits that were made in currency they would give to Great Britain. However, that was not enough the motherland was still having economic issues so Great Britain though the only solution was to engender more and more taxes. The French and Indian war thought that the colonist needed to pay for the dept with taxes because they had protected them from the French and the allies. The Navigation Act as like the Sugar and Molasses Act were created post war but were not really enforce but after the war they must be strictly followed because there was no money. Great Britain also created the Stamp Act in 1765, Townshend Act in 1767, and the Tea Act in 1773 in order to supply the money flow.
Through and through after the French and Indian War the relationship between Great Britain and its North American colonies would forever be shattered. The colonies would despised the motherland and hope to be out of hands reach one day, it was one of the underlying causes of the revolution for independence.

Key Terms
  • -Mercantilism
    • the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism
  • -Navigation Act
    • acts of Parliament between 1651 and 1847 designed primarily to expand British trade and limit trade by British colonies with countries that were rivals of Great Britain.
  • -Sugar Act (1764)
    • a law passed by the British Parliament in 1764 raising duties on foreign refined sugar imported by the colonies so as to give British sugar growers in the West Indies a monopoly on the colonial market.
  • Molasses Act (1733)
    • March 1733 was an Act of the Parliament of Great Britain which imposed a tax of six pence per gallon on imports of molasses from non-British colonies.
  • -Stamp Act (1765)
    • an act of the British Parliament in 1756 that exacted revenue from the American colonies by imposing a stamp duty on newspapers and legal and commercial documents.
  • -Townshend Act (1767)
    •   series of acts passed, beginning in 1767, by the Parliament of Great Britain relating to the British colonies in North America.
  • -Tea Act (1773)
    • principal over objective was to reduce the massive surplus of tea held by the financially troubled British East India Company in its London warehouses and to help the struggling company survive.
  • Grenville's Program
    • a comprehensive plan designed by George Grenville to settle problems in North America. included the Proclamation of 1763 and all of the new Tax Acts.

      Sunday, May 4, 2014

      Event: Free Fire Zones

      The Free Fire Zones was an title during the Vietnam War when the villagers the innocent people were in the crosses of fire meaning right in the middle of the warfare. During the Vietnam War there was not an actual front well it was really never declared where the War was going to be fought it was just all over Vietnam. There a problem for the Americans that were trying to help which was the North Vietnam individuals because they were communists and wanted to make Vietnam entirely communities. At the time the North Vietnam individuals were considered the National Liberation Front but the French pejorative more commonly knew them as the Vietcong. America would not have this so they would try to do anything in there power in stopping the spread.

      The South Vietnam individuals were not alone they were getting help from the Americans. The South Vietnamese were not yet communist they were fighting against the North Side of Vietnam; however, there was some individuals in South Vietnam were trading over to the North. The Vietcong from the North were utilizing guerrilla tactics on the South Vietnamese Army and the United States Army. The combat would consist of sniper shootings, landmines, tiger pits, tunnels, and small guerrilla style sneak attacks which would affect the South drastically. The Vietcong were supported by the local villagers for the reason that they were not killing them if they joined their side.
      Most of the South Vietnam was part of the idea of fighting against the North Vietnam to npt ture communist but in reality some if not most individuals were just being pulled to one end to the other, they just wanted to stay alive. The Americans understood and knew that North Vietnam was getting the local villagers; thus, the United States needed to get smart and engender a way for no more individuals to switch or join the North side of Vietnam.
      That is when American military forced had created a system of relocation, which was basically to move most of the citizen in Vietnam that were living near the board next to the North side of Vietnam. The American military had to move entire villages that had been in the same area for thousands of years and whose ancestors were buried in cemeteries outside their villages. America went further into debt with the system that if any villagers who either returned to theses villages or refused to leave were considered either be Vietcong or Vietcong sympathizers and could therefore be killed. They opposed a threat to the South Vietnam and must be eliminated according to the Americans.

      Who: John Kerry American politician and 68th Secretary of State
      What: It is regarding the war in Vietnam, describing the cruelty that has occurred and the news that has been received in America.
      Where: In the white house in Washington DC

      Character: Brown Berets de Aztlan

      The Brown Berets de Aztlan is an organization that was first founded on December 3, 1967 in East Los Angeles. The organization was for the Latino community that was in  Los Angeles, they were sick and tired of the treatment they were getting from the nation just because of their skin color. They would be socially segregated in work or in school, the organization wanted to make a difference so it could be better for future generations. However, the organization did not want to stop there they wanted the entire nation to get involved because that is when there will be a social change among the individuals that inhabit America “the land of the free”. One of the first events that the Brown Berets de Aztlan had engendered was the first demonstrations against police brutality in East Los Angeles on January 1968.

      There are five components that the Brown Berets de Aztlan want to change which are educational, social, spiritual, economic, and social. They want to alter education by changing the educational system that does not lead Lation children into failure, but teaches our Latinos honor, self-respect, respectable vocations, Chicano studies, and challenges our children to reach their full educational potential. The change social would be to have equality for the “Raza” and acceptance of the Latino culture. The spiritual change would be to obtain the freedom to worship God in spirit and in truth. the economic change would be to acquire the economic freedom and prosperity of our people; and lasty they political change would be to obtain a political system free from corruption. It would improve not only the Latino community/race but all other ethnicities that are under the shadow of the white Americans.

      During the Vietnam War there was copious amounts of individuals dying yet the only ones that seemed to be getting honored was the white American soldiers. Thus on, December 14, 1969 the Brown Berets organized the Chicano Moratorium Committee and the first rally in East Los Angeles to protest against racial discrimination and the disproportionate number of Chicanos getting killed in the Vietnam War. They would protest about the issues of the war because they felt that that is the most effective way in getting anything accomplished. They did not agree with the war that was being fought and wanted it to end like all the others throughout the nation, their boys were risking their lives for fighting the war. Some problems with this group would be that they did not not involve all other ethnicity only focused on the Latino community.

      Friday, April 25, 2014

      Political Cartoon

                  This political cartoon was made in the 1906's when President John F. Kennedy was in office. It is explaining the time when Canada could not decide weather to use nuclear weapons. It was created by a Canadian for the reason of this on going debate among America and Canada. President John F. Kennedy and his administration were trying to persuade Canada for only excepting weapons from the United States. Thus, explaining the man who is Prime Minister Lester Pearson sitting down had a shot gun on top of his head. Prime Minister Lester Pearson did not seem to agree to President John F. Kennedy's plan but them later agreed to it. 

                    In this political cartoon it was in the time when President John F. Kennedy was dealing with the problems in Cuba. There was going to be a nuclear war with Cuba due to Eisenhower plan that President John F. Kennedy could not stop. However, he did save the american people after all because he talked to Soviets even if they were are enemy. The U.S.S.R placed missiles in Cuba and that is when the United States felt threatened  so they put missiles in Turkey with the permission of President Kennedy. Then there was a negotiation between the U.S.S.R. and the United States which was achieved by diplomacy. this negotiation prevented a nuclear war which is the picture above. 

                       This political cartoon was created during President John F. Kennedy's presidency and it was about mid way of his presidency. The man responsible for the cartoon was Herbert Block. Throughout President Kennedy's presidency he had an ample amount of foreign affairs which her foreign policy concerns which most revolved around the Cold War. During Presidents John F. Kennedy's term the American-Soviet relations were not considered well there was great tension. The tension could then break in the form of the Cuban Missile Crisis. In the cartoon there are two men Kennedy and Nikita Kruschec who is a leader form the Soviet Union. Both are trying to keep the beast or animal that is a symbol for a nuclear war in a cage or to keep it contained. 

      Wednesday, April 23, 2014

      President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

                John F Kennedy was the most effective president throughout the entire Cold War. John F. Kennedy was not only a president he was also a war hero for the reason that the was a  involved in World War II. This gave him insight and understanding of what actually war was like. He got injured during his time in the war: however, this did not stop him form his aspersions. Once he had come back form the injury he went to school for law; however, he then realized that he wanted to become the president of the United States. He would then stop at nothing to become president due to the fact he felt that he would help progress and save America. He prevented a nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis and forced the Soviet Union to withdraw its nuclear missiles from Cuba. President John F. Kennedy was effective for the reason that he had stopped a nuclear war that was engendering in Cuba because of the missiles that the U.S.S.R. had placed in Cuba. This war was going to turn into World War III; however, President John F. Kennedy had resolved the problem. This is the reason why President John F. Kennedy was most effective. 

                 Even if President John F. Kennedy was influential he did not agree with some presidents before him such as President Eisenhower. He did not agree with President Eisenhower's plan which was to free Cuba from Castro and by freeing Cuba of Castro, freeing the entire Western Hemisphere of communism that the CIA had engendered. He felt that it would start a war yet he did not stop the processes of the plan due to the fact that it was too late. President John F. Kennedy also did not agree with President Nixon when he was befriending the Soviet Union. His plan was to end communism with the help of the Soviet Union's friendship. However, President John F. Kennedy did not agree with this because it would make the United States weak. Also he did not agree for the reason that it was not good for the nation neither was Presidents Eisenhower plan. 

      Thursday, March 20, 2014

      Dorothea Lange Gallery

             Dorothea Lange was well known for her photography during the time of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. Most of the nation of America was devastated by the tragedy like this little girl in the photograph. In the description Lange states "Resettled farm child, New Mexico, 1935" which indicates the the child and her family needed to move form their original setting to a new one. Her family was most likely affected by the Dust Bowl and forced to leave and move in to a home that was falling apart. The little girl looks as if she is depressed and disliked the move to New Mexico, she wants to be back to her old home but understands that their was no benefit in staying where they were. 
              The government did not help the people that were losing their farms like the family of this child, they were trying to make the nation stay afloat; thus, the poor families had to fend for themselves. The government needed to provide services to the ones in dire need yet families and other individuals were not receiving any help. The government needs to provide the people with medical care due to the Dust Bowls that would cause illness that could kill an individual. The only type of solution for the little girl and her family is to hope for the best and try to farm on this new land in order to make some money. 

      Thursday, March 6, 2014

      Imperialism in WWI

              There was an ample amount of reasons why the first World War occurred such as imperialism which basically means attaining an empire or a collection of territories. One country wanted to take over the other and monopolize the individuals who inhabited the area. With more land and territories under there absolute control of the country the will encounter copious power that would soon make then envied by the rest of the countries. The European nations ruled the smaller nations and competed with each other to amass more colonies. To obtain absolute power is to gather as many possible territories to be conquer and rule as Europe was doing with Africa in the "scramble for Africa" in the late 1800's. 

                Europeans in the mid of the 19th century were engaging in another rush for empire because it was necessary to get the materials for cheaper and a perception that the potential colonies were becoming more scarce.   Europeans were taking most of the territories and becoming powerful but France and Britain already had land in Africa and Asia. However, now Germany and Italy want in the pool in attaining more land to become robust as a nation. They wanted to gather raw materials and cheap labor just like the other countries because it was not fair for only some empires to get to a higher education.

               There was diplomatic Crisis between France and Germany in the early 20th centenary in fault of the scramble for empire. France wanted Morocco because of its location in northern Africa which was easy for France to manipulate.However, Germany did not want France to attain the land thus in 1906 Kaiser Wihelm II traveled to Tangier which he would promote Moroccan independence. It got the French government upset and in 1911 the French was trying to suppress a rebellion in Morocco but the German landed an armed vessel to "help" Morocco. It was a provocative move which was going to bring war with France and Germany. 

      Wednesday, February 26, 2014

      Progressive Characters

      Theodore Roosevelt 

      A. Explain the biographical ideas behind the character
              Roosevelt was born and raised in New York City, he was part of a wealthy family. However, as a child he was very ill and spent a lot of his time in his room reading which he considered his first love. Once he was older and stronger he let nothing stand in his way, he tried to live a life full of danger.
      B. Explain the major legislation related to this character
             Some major legislation that Roosevelt conducted was the Big Stick Policy that he said, "A man should walk softly and carry a big stick" which s to utilize military and violence to control the counties tat needed to be controlled. Roosevelt Corollary was added to the Monroe Doctrine which was to keep European countries from taking over South and Central American countries. Then there was the Progressive Party that an independent political party dedicated to progress change which was later consider Bull Moose Movement in the press.
      C. Describe how this character attempted to progress the nation
             Roosevelt was very patriotic American, he would do anything is in his power to see the United states progress. he strongly believed in manifest destiny which he consider that the U.S was the most "powerful and righteous" place on the planet. He also tried to make products (food) more healthy for everyone which is considered the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in this modern day.
      Woodrow Wilson 

      A. Explain the biographical ideas behind the character 
             Wilson was not only the 26th president of the United States he was also a professor that an ample amount of students enjoyed. He taught history and political science after receiving his PH.D. at the University of Princeton which all started due to his love of books.He was also a man who was very ill at the end of his life and died after one of his major dreams did not pass the congress.
      B. Explain the major legislation related to this character
             Wilson created a theory called Moral Internationalism stating that because America was strong, powerful and wealthy they should get involved with foreign affairs to help out the rest of the world. He also was involved in the Treaty of Versailles that would end WWI. Out of his theory he engendered 14 points which were progressive plans for the United States to be better.
      C. Describe how this character attempted to progress the nation
             Wilson loved the nation so much that he kept the American boys out of war during the second World War. With in the 14 points Wilson stated that peace without victory, freedom of the seas, and the formation of the League of Nations which all in his mind proceeded to do good to America or make it progress. He believed that the League could end war, poverty, and hunger if only the countries would unite as one democracy.
      Ida Terbel

      A. Explain the biographical ideas behind the character 
            Tarbel came from a hard working family her father had three jobs two as a teacher and another as a wildcatter. She was taught as a young girl that she needed to work hard and let nothing bring you down not even failure. She was out raged when her father had lost everything due to John D. Rockefeller who stole the oil fields from the wildcatters. It only made her work harder, she attended school became a teacher but didn't feel it was fulfilling; thus, left and found that writing was going to make an impact in history.
      B. Explain the major legislation related to this character
            There was a grudge that Tarbel had toward John D. Rockefeller for scamming all of the hardworking people. She never did forgive him and she started to do some research on him and his company to find some kind of dirt. She was considered a muckraker due to the fact the she would write about political people and there unequal treatment towards others, she wrote a lot about Rockefeller and uncovered many truths Her book about him became a best seller quickly.
      C. Describe how this character attempted to progress the nation
             Tarbel's bravery in standing up and having freedom of speech during her time helped the nation progress because i gave women a sense of hope. The Woman's Right's Movement looked up to her because she had done things that many women would not think of doing. Alice Paul asked her if she would be apart of the movement but you disagreed with parts of the movement because you felt that it was damaging the traditional roles of women yet she did not write bad abut them in any of her books or magazines.
      Robert La Follette

      A. Explain the biographical ideas behind the character 
           La Follette was born and raised in the country side of Wisconsin, his father was one of the hardworking farmers. As a young child he understood what working hard meant and never forgot the struggles of the poor. Once he had graduated the University of Wisconsin he became District Attorney and eventually he was elected a member of the House of Representatives. In the house he viewed the unjust politicians and wanted the Democrats and Republicans to change their tactics.
      B. Explain the major legislation related to this character  
            La Follette engendered the idea of initiative which meant that people could make or pass a law without the help of the legislature which mean that the politicians time was limited in office before the next election. The Wisconsin Idea that he also created was to help the people by the government giving back to them and giving the Americans direct democracy.He was elected Senator of the state of Wisconsin and during his tern Wilson was president and he was one of he few that spoke out against going into war with.
      C. Describe how this character attempted to progress the nation
           La Follette was very opinionated and he did not care if people waned to hear them or not, with that attitude he gave his speeches that would accuse individuals with being corrupt. His speeches usually contained concepts that an ample amount of people started to become his enemy. He believed that both Americans and immigrants had the duty to keep the values that drove Americas spirit during the countries war days.

      John D. Rockefeller

      A. Explain the biographical ideas behind the character 
            Rockefeller was the second child born in upstate New York and they were a well off family but not very wealthy. When the crops got expensive his father sold the farm and when to Ohio with the family which was outside of Cleveland. After he went to Folsom Mercantile College he finish a book keeping course, then he was an assistant book keeper at the Hewitt and Turtle Firm. Then he formed his own business with a partner which he later turned it into a oil refinery business remaining it Standard Oil.
      B. Explain the major legislation related to this character  
          Rockefeller was a master of monopoly which meant that he had control of most of the Ohio region with no competition. He learned to control the means of production completely dominating the oil business in Ohio. Pricing highly was very accurate during that time because they wanted to gain more money as Rockefeller tried to accomplish and it was a bones for him because there was no one going up against his company to make him loose money.
      C. Describe how this character attempted to progress the nation
           Not only did Rockefeller engender his own company from the ground up which he schemed away from honest people he would rob them from there money. He would exploit the workers but he had achieved his American dream, however it was soon destroyed and forced to break into six different companies.  After he became a philanthropist and gave his money away to organizations due to the books of Ida Tarbel.
      Eugene V. Debs

      A. Explain the biographical ideas behind the character 
            Debs was born into a poor yet intellectual family in Terre Haute, Indiana, they were German. Due to the fact that he was an immigrant it was difficult but his father struggled through and opened a general store, they also became trusted members of the community. After finishing high school he went to work at the Union Pacific Railway but left the job to do union work and became a union activist.
      B. Explain the major legislation related to this character  
           Debs engendered the American Railway Union to help the rights of the workers and he opened a publishing company that to get the voices of the workers that were unheard. The ARU and himself stood behind the Pullman Strike even if he was jailed. The Great Railway Strike was one of his greatest accomplishments which showed what he was giving up for the workers rights.
      C. Describe how this character attempted to progress the nation
          Debs was a progressive reformer because he was trying to help the workers when he created the ARU to his endorsement of the Woman's Suffrage Movement. He was so motivated to the movement that he even got jail time and was proud of it. However, he died alone in his home after meeting the President Harding on the invitation to the White House due to his dedication.

      Thursday, February 20, 2014


                 The Irish started to migrate to the United States by the 1820's and one main reason was because of the Potato Blight in 1845. The Potato Blight dealt with the potato harvest that stated to engender fungus, it spread like wild fire through the crops. In about 5 years there was about a million Irish individuals dead from the fungus potato. This is what spiked the jolt in the Irish to leave Ireland and acquire a fresh new start in America. Although, there was still a growth of immigration before the tragedy in the early 19th century due to living conditions, religious conflicts, economic conditions, and lack of political involvement  the Irish wanted to obtain a new life style where they could actually look forward to a future.
            The Irish settled in the middle colonies, particularly in Pennsylvania due to the fact that it was a major port of debarkation. Basically a debarkation is a place where an ample amount of trade or business occurs. However, in a few decades the Scotch-Irish were moving southward to the Great Philadelphia Road which was considered the major road in actually starting a new like in the southern colonies. By the 1760' The Irish had reached South Carolina once they kept moving down Virginia's Shenandoah Valley and then onto North Carolina Piedmont region. These individuals most likely became Indian fighters and frontiersmen. 

      View Larger Map
              The United States government policies and programs affected the Irish immigration patterns such as their lifestyle, it had changed dramatically. In Ireland the lifestyle consisted of a life that was mainly farming and rural work, industrialization had not hit them like the United States. It was difficult for the Irish to adapt to the new line of work because they had never worked in a factory before. Also they were very poor in Ireland and were a bit more enriched financially in America but the prices of objects were high which didn't help them. The Irish were pushed from there customs and tried to be more "American" because they need transition to there new lifestyle.
      The Americans were not very found of any newcomers that would come to the United States; thus, the Irish were no exception in this sad truth about the American nation. They felt threatened by the “unique” individuals because these men were skilled  workers while most Americans were just regular workers and wanted more pay. The Irish were not accepted by the Americans they would be generalized with the African Americans due to the fact of the low social and economic status. Both of the ethnicitys felt that were they worked they were being treated unfairly that the white people were taking advantage of them. Also they did not enjoy each other company they shared ones hate for one another. They could have united and tried to change things to try make the workplace or treatment better. 
                The United States government policies and programs affected the Irish assimilation when they had came to make a new life in this new nation; however, their new lifestyle dramatically changed. In Ireland the lifestyle consisted of a life that was mainly farming and rural work, industrialization had not hit them like the United States. It was difficult for the Irish to adapt to the new line of work because they had never worked in a factory before. Also the living/ housing situations were the Irish had to live they were crowded and were section houses. It meant that the Irish were cramped into one bed room with about 2 families in each tiny room and there was about 10 families per building. These places and many others that were from Ireland were not clean or acquired the full health code, Americans felt that the Irish did not deserve the cleanliness of the streets or homes they deserved scum.
               The economic conditions impacted the immigrants experience because they were low in the social latter, they came to this county in hopes of a better life. In reality it was promised that the Irish were going to have a job and a home in America but it did not specify what exactly the Irish were going to obtain. The Irish
      would get the most dangerous jobs that usually Americans wanted to avoid like servants, domestic workers, coal miners, build canal and construct railroads. In West Virginia the coal companies felt that they owned the Irish workers that were acquiring there product. However, in further generations the Irish started to climb the social latter due to education. They would become policemen, firemen, and teachers, the Irish started to become weather. 
             The cultural heritage affected the Irish placement of settlement due to the fact that they had different customs but they gained some acceptance form the Americans when they started to for get there traditions. However, the Irish did not mind because they were free and could practice there religion not like in Ireland. For many years the Irish in Ireland were controlled by Britain, they would have to follow there instruction and decisions. In the United States there was an ample amount of Irish living there and it made them obtain a powerful political force. The Irish influenced the Democratic Party and the Catholic Church. The Irish gave more to America than just money with the workplace it gave them political individuals that would run the county. For instance, the late President John F. Kennedy who only wanted to make America a better place for all individuals not only the people that were on top of the social latter. 

      Tuesday, January 21, 2014

      David Graham Phillips

                  David Graham Philips ,a brilliant author, was born on October 8, 1867. He was the son of a politician David Graham Phillips Senor and his mother Margret Lee. His family was not rich, he was categorized as middle class;however, even if he did not an ample amount of money he still acquired a higher level of education. He attended two colleges Indiana Abury College which in modern times is called DePauw University and then he transferred to the College of New Jersey which is recognized now as Princeton. He was finished with ll his education by the year 1887. After he graduated he immediately stated to work at a newspaper as a reporter which was in Cincinnati with the Cincinnati Times Star. Then he moved to New York to widen his experience as a writer/ reporter in the year of 1890. 
                Once he moved to New York he had a reputation for writing, he had a gift and by 1902 he was rising to the editorial rank of the New York World. However, that was his last year writing on that newspaper because he started to write novels but his first one was The Great God Success published 1902. In his later years Philips was considered a muckraker which is either a journalist, novelist, and/or critic who were trying to expose the abuse of business and the corruption in politics through their writing. He was well known for his scandalous articles about the corrupt government in the U.S. Senate which was published in the Cosmopolitan magazine in 1906. Philips was also a writer for the Saturday Evening post and other journals that were popular during his time.
               Philips articles and novels always engendered controversy throughout the city because he was one of the first to state the corruption of the government. His novels were potent but at the same time they were unrefined or very blunt, there was no such type fluff that made the government look "good". The main ideas of his novels considered of corrupt influences in society and general social problems. He had published many books before his death. He did not die of old age, he died because he was brutishly murdered by a musician. The musicians motives were that he thought that Philips had wrote and stated allegations about his family.

      Monday, January 20, 2014

      Battle of Little Bighorn

               During the late 1800's the rail road was starting to be constructed throughout the nation of America, at the same time industrialization was occurring. The white individuals and other ethnicities that were part of the movement were excited for the new technology; however, there was some individuals that did not agree with the evolution. They did no agree for only one reason which was the territory that was surrounding the new construction and those individuals were the Native Americans. The white people had restricted the Native Americans to one place and they obeyed but now the whites found use for the land to make some profit, found gold, so they are breaking the treaties the Native Americans made with them to seize the land. The Native Americans were furious and thought it was unfair so they started to fight against the white individuals. And in one of the battle the Native Americans triumph which was the Battle of Little Bighorn.
                The battle took place on June 25, 1876 and did not end till a day later on the 26th of June. It was located near the Little Bighorn River in Montana and fought by the US army and two Native American tribes that joined together to due the attacks of the Americans. The troops were the 7th Calvary who was lead by Lieutenant Cornell George Custer and his order were to get rid of the Native Americans. The Natives that were fighting in the battle was the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne Native Americans, they were lead by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. When Custer started to attack with his troops he soon realized that he was out numbered, there was about 10,000 Native Americans fighting against them. There was no chance that Custer could have won that battle.
                The Native Americans did win that battle but it was sure going to be their last victory with very little casualties. The Americans were outraged with the win that they were saying the Natives wanted to kill Americans for no apparent reason. However, in reality the American had broken the treaty to gain access to gold which is just plain greed. It is still unknown the true reason for the uprising of the Natives, some blame the gold that was found and other think it was a simple act of revenge.