Monday, January 20, 2014

Battle of Little Bighorn

         During the late 1800's the rail road was starting to be constructed throughout the nation of America, at the same time industrialization was occurring. The white individuals and other ethnicities that were part of the movement were excited for the new technology; however, there was some individuals that did not agree with the evolution. They did no agree for only one reason which was the territory that was surrounding the new construction and those individuals were the Native Americans. The white people had restricted the Native Americans to one place and they obeyed but now the whites found use for the land to make some profit, found gold, so they are breaking the treaties the Native Americans made with them to seize the land. The Native Americans were furious and thought it was unfair so they started to fight against the white individuals. And in one of the battle the Native Americans triumph which was the Battle of Little Bighorn.
          The battle took place on June 25, 1876 and did not end till a day later on the 26th of June. It was located near the Little Bighorn River in Montana and fought by the US army and two Native American tribes that joined together to due the attacks of the Americans. The troops were the 7th Calvary who was lead by Lieutenant Cornell George Custer and his order were to get rid of the Native Americans. The Natives that were fighting in the battle was the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne Native Americans, they were lead by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. When Custer started to attack with his troops he soon realized that he was out numbered, there was about 10,000 Native Americans fighting against them. There was no chance that Custer could have won that battle.
          The Native Americans did win that battle but it was sure going to be their last victory with very little casualties. The Americans were outraged with the win that they were saying the Natives wanted to kill Americans for no apparent reason. However, in reality the American had broken the treaty to gain access to gold which is just plain greed. It is still unknown the true reason for the uprising of the Natives, some blame the gold that was found and other think it was a simple act of revenge. 

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