Thursday, March 20, 2014

Dorothea Lange Gallery

       Dorothea Lange was well known for her photography during the time of the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. Most of the nation of America was devastated by the tragedy like this little girl in the photograph. In the description Lange states "Resettled farm child, New Mexico, 1935" which indicates the the child and her family needed to move form their original setting to a new one. Her family was most likely affected by the Dust Bowl and forced to leave and move in to a home that was falling apart. The little girl looks as if she is depressed and disliked the move to New Mexico, she wants to be back to her old home but understands that their was no benefit in staying where they were. 
        The government did not help the people that were losing their farms like the family of this child, they were trying to make the nation stay afloat; thus, the poor families had to fend for themselves. The government needed to provide services to the ones in dire need yet families and other individuals were not receiving any help. The government needs to provide the people with medical care due to the Dust Bowls that would cause illness that could kill an individual. The only type of solution for the little girl and her family is to hope for the best and try to farm on this new land in order to make some money. 


  1. People from the southern great plains were those that were mostly affected by the dusters, this region soon became to be knwon as the Dust Bowl.

  2. She must of had a family that was affected by the depression. I think adapting to new places must of been extremely difficult for these children.

  3. In the photograph, having a sturdy home is not enough because the dust storms could still enter the home easily through the chimney as shown.
