Thursday, March 6, 2014

Imperialism in WWI

        There was an ample amount of reasons why the first World War occurred such as imperialism which basically means attaining an empire or a collection of territories. One country wanted to take over the other and monopolize the individuals who inhabited the area. With more land and territories under there absolute control of the country the will encounter copious power that would soon make then envied by the rest of the countries. The European nations ruled the smaller nations and competed with each other to amass more colonies. To obtain absolute power is to gather as many possible territories to be conquer and rule as Europe was doing with Africa in the "scramble for Africa" in the late 1800's. 

          Europeans in the mid of the 19th century were engaging in another rush for empire because it was necessary to get the materials for cheaper and a perception that the potential colonies were becoming more scarce.   Europeans were taking most of the territories and becoming powerful but France and Britain already had land in Africa and Asia. However, now Germany and Italy want in the pool in attaining more land to become robust as a nation. They wanted to gather raw materials and cheap labor just like the other countries because it was not fair for only some empires to get to a higher education.

         There was diplomatic Crisis between France and Germany in the early 20th centenary in fault of the scramble for empire. France wanted Morocco because of its location in northern Africa which was easy for France to manipulate.However, Germany did not want France to attain the land thus in 1906 Kaiser Wihelm II traveled to Tangier which he would promote Moroccan independence. It got the French government upset and in 1911 the French was trying to suppress a rebellion in Morocco but the German landed an armed vessel to "help" Morocco. It was a provocative move which was going to bring war with France and Germany. 


  1. It seems to me that Imperialism was in other words, a way that the countries gained power by controlling others.

  2. The ambition from powerful countries led to the start of the war and a lot of it was due the desire to colonize in Africa.

  3. Europeans wanted to be in control of as much land as they could possibly get; however, both France and Britain had much of Africa and Asia.

  4. Imperialism was a growing problem and a main cause of the war.

  5. The ambition from powerful countries there has always been an idea that land means power.
