Tuesday, January 21, 2014

David Graham Phillips

            David Graham Philips ,a brilliant author, was born on October 8, 1867. He was the son of a politician David Graham Phillips Senor and his mother Margret Lee. His family was not rich, he was categorized as middle class;however, even if he did not an ample amount of money he still acquired a higher level of education. He attended two colleges Indiana Abury College which in modern times is called DePauw University and then he transferred to the College of New Jersey which is recognized now as Princeton. He was finished with ll his education by the year 1887. After he graduated he immediately stated to work at a newspaper as a reporter which was in Cincinnati with the Cincinnati Times Star. Then he moved to New York to widen his experience as a writer/ reporter in the year of 1890. 
          Once he moved to New York he had a reputation for writing, he had a gift and by 1902 he was rising to the editorial rank of the New York World. However, that was his last year writing on that newspaper because he started to write novels but his first one was The Great God Success published 1902. In his later years Philips was considered a muckraker which is either a journalist, novelist, and/or critic who were trying to expose the abuse of business and the corruption in politics through their writing. He was well known for his scandalous articles about the corrupt government in the U.S. Senate which was published in the Cosmopolitan magazine in 1906. Philips was also a writer for the Saturday Evening post and other journals that were popular during his time.
         Philips articles and novels always engendered controversy throughout the city because he was one of the first to state the corruption of the government. His novels were potent but at the same time they were unrefined or very blunt, there was no such type fluff that made the government look "good". The main ideas of his novels considered of corrupt influences in society and general social problems. He had published many books before his death. He did not die of old age, he died because he was brutishly murdered by a musician. The musicians motives were that he thought that Philips had wrote and stated allegations about his family.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Battle of Little Bighorn

         During the late 1800's the rail road was starting to be constructed throughout the nation of America, at the same time industrialization was occurring. The white individuals and other ethnicities that were part of the movement were excited for the new technology; however, there was some individuals that did not agree with the evolution. They did no agree for only one reason which was the territory that was surrounding the new construction and those individuals were the Native Americans. The white people had restricted the Native Americans to one place and they obeyed but now the whites found use for the land to make some profit, found gold, so they are breaking the treaties the Native Americans made with them to seize the land. The Native Americans were furious and thought it was unfair so they started to fight against the white individuals. And in one of the battle the Native Americans triumph which was the Battle of Little Bighorn.
          The battle took place on June 25, 1876 and did not end till a day later on the 26th of June. It was located near the Little Bighorn River in Montana and fought by the US army and two Native American tribes that joined together to due the attacks of the Americans. The troops were the 7th Calvary who was lead by Lieutenant Cornell George Custer and his order were to get rid of the Native Americans. The Natives that were fighting in the battle was the Lakota Sioux and Cheyenne Native Americans, they were lead by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse. When Custer started to attack with his troops he soon realized that he was out numbered, there was about 10,000 Native Americans fighting against them. There was no chance that Custer could have won that battle.
          The Native Americans did win that battle but it was sure going to be their last victory with very little casualties. The Americans were outraged with the win that they were saying the Natives wanted to kill Americans for no apparent reason. However, in reality the American had broken the treaty to gain access to gold which is just plain greed. It is still unknown the true reason for the uprising of the Natives, some blame the gold that was found and other think it was a simple act of revenge. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

The Americans passed the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 due to the fact that the Americans felt threatened by the Chinese. In the eyes of the American nation the Chinese were talking away their “precious” jobs, over populating the United States, and getting paid a lot of money for a job that is supposed to come cheap.  One strong opinionated American Henry Grimm who was a famous writer in the 19th century engendered a play that had the common stereotypes of Chinese men, it was called “The Chinese Must Go”. The first page of the play highlights the fact that the Chinese are putting the poor American men out of a job. The men that have a family to take care of,the ones who have actual responsibilities and obligations to consider. To the Americans in 1879 when the play was constructed they thought that the Chinese were in no need of the jobs of America because they had no family or actual care. Grimm accentuates the idea a little further when he states, “White man fools; keep wifee and children-cost plenty money; Chinaman no wife, no children, save plenty money. By and by, no more white working man in California; all chinaman- sabee?”. Grimm underlines the perception of the Americans about the way they viewed Chinese men during that time. The Chinese were supposedly not wanting to acquire a family but that was a complete lie because they were prohibited by the laws that America had implemented on them.
There was a Chinese man named Lee Chew who established a bibliography called “The Biography of a Chinaman” written in 1903 February 19 discussing the inequalities that a Chinese man would go through. Chew mention in his bibliography, “Chinese were persecuted not for their vices [sins], but for their virtues [good qualities]”. The Americans were jealous of the Chinese men because there work was always done best there was never any complaints from their bosses. The Chinese man worked harder than the American men did because they wanted to make money and their labor was not cheap. The Chinese were not a danger or a horrific add to the community but an ethnicity that were converting to Christianity which meant they respect the American culture and wanted to join along.

According to the workingmen of San Francisco on August 16, 1888 there was an immigration problem with the Chinese. Due to this the Americans wanted all Chinese men out because they were taking their money, jobs, and also living space. The Americans wanted to take back what was there in the first place the jobs. Even if in reality none of the Americans even the poor white man did not want. They just decided that their hardships were the cause of the Chinese that were occupying the job space. Is is then when the Americans were trying to pass the Chinese Exclusion Act. According to the speech that the working men gave in 1888 the year before the Act passed they said, “...Chinese immigration to our State had been checked and was in a fair way to be entirely stopped…”. As i stated before the Americans wanted the Chinese out because they did not want to compete with them to attain a job. The Americas wanted to get rid of the Chinese and saw this act as a way to do accomplish what exactly they wanted.