Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Battle of Atlanta

            On July 22,1864 the battle of Atlanta was fought in the southeast part of Atlanta there was about 34,000 Union solders and 40,000 Confederate solders fighting against each other. This was was during the Civil War and happened because of the Atlanta Campaign which was seize the important supplies and rails which was in the center of Atlanta. Even if the Confederacy had more bodies fighting on their side the Union soldiers won the battle of Atlanta. The Union solders lost about 3,600 men which was commanded by William T. Sherman and the Confederacy lost about 8,500 men which was commanded by John B. Hood. The Union wanted to destroy the Army of Tennessee and also the land of Atlanta because it would stop the supplies to the Confederates. However, when the Union solders won the battle Sherman went into the city. He started to burn the buildings all types even government buildings because he could not accomplish what he said out to do. Sherman was only able to make the Confederates surrender; thus, concluding that the Union won the battle.
           The battle of Atlanta had major affects on the political aspects of the nation of America because it helped Abraham Lincoln win his second election against George McClellan. It was not recognized by its military significance but by its impression that it left on the government. The Northerners were happy this the outcome of this battle due to the fact that the Union had won the battle against the Confederacy. The Union was affected because it made them stronger and more united they felt that they were gaining the lead on the war. This was is important to the Civil War because it ensured the presidency to Lincoln and he could continue on his plan to save the nation from separating. 


  1. The Union won the victory in this battle and made them feel stronger and more united. This battle also helped Abraham Lincoln win his second election.

  2. The Battle of Atlanta occurred in the same year as Antietam; 1862.

  3. it was a huge battle the was one of the decisive victories for the Union forces in the Civil War.

  4. I believe this battle helped hype up the Union states and make them feel united and patriotic.

  5. The battle is known not only for it strategic and military significance but for its political importance.

  6. The union tried to cut off the confedates' supplies just like they successfully did during the trench warfare at petersburg.

  7. For the Confederates going in with more soldiers they lost the battle as well as losing thousands of men to the Union during this battle.

  8. How did it have effect on the political views of the nation.

    1. It had effect on the political views of the nation due to the fact that this war made Lincoln have another term in the presidency. When the Union won the battle the Northerners saw that they could actually have a fighting chance to win the entire war

  9. Warfare is a fascinating subject. Despite the dubious morality of using violence to achieve personal or political aims. It remains that conflict has been used to do just that throughout recorded history.

    Your article is very well done, a good read.

  10. Warfare is a fascinating subject. Despite the dubious morality of using violence to achieve personal or political aims. It remains that conflict has been used to do just that throughout recorded history.

    Your article is very well done, a good read.
