Monday, November 18, 2013

David Walker/Theodore Dwight Weld

David Walker

    Walker, an African American, was an abolitionist which meant he was against any type of slavery, he was opinionated and blunt towards what he believed was correct. The only reason that Walker was a free slave was because his mother had been a free insulating that he will be a free even if his father was a slave who died before his birth. When he was an adolescent he got involved with his church community and became an activist in which later he engendered the AME Church.  The most substantial event that he was involved in was when he wrote an Appeal in 1829 which is still referred to in this day of age as an influential political document. The Appeal he gave was to educate his readers about the inequalities of slavery and and he also advocated for individuals to join the cause despite the consequences. He felt that change needed to come from with in an individual it was not going to happen over night but over a time period due to the fact that an ample amount of individuals needed to accept the changes to come.
Author: David Walker is the author of his Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World.
Place: In Boston and he wrote it in 1830.
Prior Knowledge: An ample amount of individuals were speaking out against slavery and view the unjust aspects of the concept.
Audience: He was writing this to other African Americans, to emphasize the abuse slavery brought upon there race.
Reason: He wrote this Appeal because he wanted to highlight the oppression that African Americans were receiving and also to gain black unity to go against the injustice.
The Main Idea:To amalgamate the African American race and purse the goal for equality.
Significance: It will open the eyes of individuals who are negligent about the oppression with blacks. It will make theses individuals want to join the fight for equality.

         The greatest issue that the world is facing today would be the inequality that his people (African Americans) had to face on a daily bases.It was the most significant issue due to the fact that he wanted slavery to end which was a grand issue in America. The whites would utilize slavery for their farming in order to make profits off the crops; thus, the whites in the South were against the abolitionists gaining their greatest desire. Social justice cannot be achieved under the present system of government because African Americans are not seen as equals in the eyes of the government. The political men in power view African Americans as less or not equivalent to an actual human being. Human nature is good; however, individuals get influenced by greed and self-interest. Legislation can change human behavior because it makes individuals view certain concept to be acceptable under the state of law. He should seek gradual changes in society because then the process will for sure stick around for a long period of time. Society can be improved by active involvement because one must get involved to change either a law or something they are not pleased with in order to achieve there goal. A good society would be a society that would attain equality among races that all individuals are not against each other or think that their race is superior to another.

Theodore Dwight Weld

         Theodore Dwight Weld was a Caucasian man that was an abolitionist, he was one of the essential architects of the abolitionist movement of America during 1830-1844. Weld influenced a copious amount of individuals when he would give a speech, write, or even organize an event due to the fact that individuals would feel the need to listen and then get hooked on his words. However, his most famous and well known event is when he wrote American Slavery As It Is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses which was published in 1839. This book is to give insight to others (usually Caucasians) about how African Americans were actually treated, i the book this is actually accounts real slaves that have suffered due to slavery. He was trying to educate individuals on all the horrors of the American Slavery which included testimonies from blacks and white to view the different perspective. The book mainly described the daily routine, treatment, life of a slave in the Americas it also includes the pro-slavery arguments but Weld discredits the arguments. Weld fought and lived for the cause he wanted to see justice come forth in the nation he called home.

Author: The authors of American Slavery As It Is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses was Theodore Dwight Weld and also his wife Angelina Grimke and sister in law Sarah Grimke.
Place: It was written in 1839.
Prior Knowledge: The information that i had known before this was that many Caucasian were fighting for the cause of slavery to find a way to abolish it. They felt as if slavery was inhumane to an individual.
Audience: It was written for individuals to understand the oppression on black and the inhumanity of slavery.
Reason: It was engendered because these three individuals  did not agree with slavery and were strongly against it.
The Main Idea: To give light and emphasis on the illicitness of slavery to which it is in dire need to be abolished.
Significance: It highlights the cases of which African Americans have suffered through due to the fault of slavery. In which brings out the injustice of slavery.
         The greatest issue that the world is facing during the time of Theodore Dwight Weld is to end slavery and attain freedom for all African Americans. It was the greatest issue because slavery had oppressed the nation of America for decades in which Weld and other Americans did not want to see slavery proceed anymore making the county further corrupt. Social justice cannot be achieved or accomplished under the present system of government because even if the white man and others like him feel strongly about the abolishment of slavery but they do not have the power to change the laws. Without political power there is no type of change that can be made in the government. Human nature is fundamentally good because an individual is born goods but gets corrupt later in life by the influences or schooling they receive. Legislation can change human behavior because the law makes the individuals accept the law even if they do not agree which makes them find a bright sight to the law. Weld should seek gradual change in society due to the fact that if it were to be rapid then it would not give a chance for those opposed to get used to the idea and will deny it easier. Society can only be enhanced by active involvement because nothing will get accomplished if one does not go out and take the chance to achieve their goal. What makes a good society is to have equality among the nation to have slavery be annihilated. 

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  1. Our Seminar from last Friday continues on the Class BLOG…Check out the link for more information…
