Friday, August 23, 2013

North and South Carolina

North and South Carolina were joined together as one at one point in time ;however, due to the grand distance between Charles Town, the main colony in the region, and Carolina it separated in 1729 renaming it "South Carolina" and "North Carolina". Both are royal colonies in which King Charles II of England looked after and awarded the land to the lord Proprietors the Province of Carolina who were eight noblemen in 1663 but later in 1729 the Lords Proprietors sold it back to England. The Indian populations in both regions were around 35 thousand people that roughly make up 30 tribes; some were Catawba, Cheraw, Cherokee, Machapunga, Moratok, Natchezz and many more. The soil was rich and great for planting tobacco, rice, and indigo, plant to make the color of clothing, these crops became fast cash crops. The Carolinas became the first to utilize rice as profit in any of the colonies.
In 1587 John White landed in North Carolina with about 120 settlers, it was the first English settlement in the 13 colonies. However, the colony led by White vanished suddenly, it is as if the land had swallowed them up, that colony is now considered the “the Lost Colony”. In 1655 Nathaniel Batts who was originally a Virginia Farmer found the first permanent settlement by mistake because he was looking for farmland. Sir John Yeamans in 1663 established the second permanent colony on the Cape Fear River which is near Wilmington. Also the main religion in North Carolina at the time was protestant.
South Carolina was founded in 1663 but wasn’t established till 1729 when the Province of Carolina sold it back to the king of England. South Carolina also became a barrier for the Spanish colonies as well did the North Carolina. The Indian population was similar to North Carolinas population, but during the late 1700s they received many African Americans to work on the plantations of tobacco, rice, and/or indigo and resulted as the majority of South Carolinas population. The first settlement was established in 1670 at Albemarle Point and the citizens were from Barbados as well as the governor William Sayle. In 1669 a Constitution of Carolina was created by John Locke which served a form of government for the Carolina colony.  The main religion for South Carolina was Baptist, Methodist, Catholic, and Jewish.


  1. What was the main reason to why "the Lost Colony" vanished?

    1. No one actually knows why the colony vanished, the historians say that some of the settlers nights have joined the tribes around them.

  2. Did people hate the Jewish there or were they tolerated?

  3. Why did the Proprietors sell the land back to England?

  4. When the "one" Carolina was divided how was control divided relating to governors?

  5. Was religious tolerance an attraction that brought more settlers to your colony?

  6. The Barbados were very important to the U.S. colonies because they brought their African slaves to were in plantations.

  7. You need to respond to all the questions posted by your classmates. Good job :)

  8. Did the other colonies adopt the same Constitution developed by John Locke?
