Friday, April 25, 2014

Political Cartoon

            This political cartoon was made in the 1906's when President John F. Kennedy was in office. It is explaining the time when Canada could not decide weather to use nuclear weapons. It was created by a Canadian for the reason of this on going debate among America and Canada. President John F. Kennedy and his administration were trying to persuade Canada for only excepting weapons from the United States. Thus, explaining the man who is Prime Minister Lester Pearson sitting down had a shot gun on top of his head. Prime Minister Lester Pearson did not seem to agree to President John F. Kennedy's plan but them later agreed to it. 

              In this political cartoon it was in the time when President John F. Kennedy was dealing with the problems in Cuba. There was going to be a nuclear war with Cuba due to Eisenhower plan that President John F. Kennedy could not stop. However, he did save the american people after all because he talked to Soviets even if they were are enemy. The U.S.S.R placed missiles in Cuba and that is when the United States felt threatened  so they put missiles in Turkey with the permission of President Kennedy. Then there was a negotiation between the U.S.S.R. and the United States which was achieved by diplomacy. this negotiation prevented a nuclear war which is the picture above. 

                 This political cartoon was created during President John F. Kennedy's presidency and it was about mid way of his presidency. The man responsible for the cartoon was Herbert Block. Throughout President Kennedy's presidency he had an ample amount of foreign affairs which her foreign policy concerns which most revolved around the Cold War. During Presidents John F. Kennedy's term the American-Soviet relations were not considered well there was great tension. The tension could then break in the form of the Cuban Missile Crisis. In the cartoon there are two men Kennedy and Nikita Kruschec who is a leader form the Soviet Union. Both are trying to keep the beast or animal that is a symbol for a nuclear war in a cage or to keep it contained. 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy

          John F Kennedy was the most effective president throughout the entire Cold War. John F. Kennedy was not only a president he was also a war hero for the reason that the was a  involved in World War II. This gave him insight and understanding of what actually war was like. He got injured during his time in the war: however, this did not stop him form his aspersions. Once he had come back form the injury he went to school for law; however, he then realized that he wanted to become the president of the United States. He would then stop at nothing to become president due to the fact he felt that he would help progress and save America. He prevented a nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis and forced the Soviet Union to withdraw its nuclear missiles from Cuba. President John F. Kennedy was effective for the reason that he had stopped a nuclear war that was engendering in Cuba because of the missiles that the U.S.S.R. had placed in Cuba. This war was going to turn into World War III; however, President John F. Kennedy had resolved the problem. This is the reason why President John F. Kennedy was most effective. 

           Even if President John F. Kennedy was influential he did not agree with some presidents before him such as President Eisenhower. He did not agree with President Eisenhower's plan which was to free Cuba from Castro and by freeing Cuba of Castro, freeing the entire Western Hemisphere of communism that the CIA had engendered. He felt that it would start a war yet he did not stop the processes of the plan due to the fact that it was too late. President John F. Kennedy also did not agree with President Nixon when he was befriending the Soviet Union. His plan was to end communism with the help of the Soviet Union's friendship. However, President John F. Kennedy did not agree with this because it would make the United States weak. Also he did not agree for the reason that it was not good for the nation neither was Presidents Eisenhower plan.